Dave McRobbie

You Don’t Really Care About Your Guests

Not one hotelier really cares about their guests. Otherwise – the industry wouldn’t have let Booking.com, Expedia, TripAdvisor etc. run roughshod over the entire marketplace....

When to Use Voice as a Customer Engagement Tool – Outside of the Hotel Room

For businesses of all sizes, the move of people from screen to voice search and interactions may seem a long way in the future...

The 2,000 Year Old Cambridge Analytica Algorithm Alive & Well In Hospitality

I hope, by the end of this piece - I can prove to you that methods that are over two thousand years old are...

Putting Your Hotel Brand at The Core of the Customer Journey

One of the fundamental challenges for brands in today’s digital, customer-led business environment (where loyalty has been replaced by price, value by ease of...

Think Outside of Technology: Persuasion Techniques

In my last article on this particular subject (which you can find here ), I wrote about the overarching online behaviours that web users exhibit...

Think Outside of Technology

I read an absolutely invigorating article on eHotelier recently which considered a number of ways that hotels can compete against Airbnb. If you are...

Hoteliers Should Stop Spending Money on Digital

Stop spending money on digital… or at least humour me and start to think about it. Start listening to yourself, an experienced hotelier, someone who has been...

Dave McRobbie’s Hotel Digital Marketing ‘To Do List’, 2015/16

I always said I would never, ever, ever create a list of ‘things’. I also said after the first time I was ill through...

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