Guestline and GuestRevu Collaborate to Drive Online Reviews for Hospitality Industry

Guestline’s collaboration with GuestRevu provides the industry with automated guest feedback and online reputation management, directly connected to the PMS. 93% of travellers say online reviews have an impact on their booking decisions, which makes this a particularly attractive proposition for hotels, serviced apartments, pubs and hostels looking to further improve their guest pre- and post-stay experience.

The GuestRevu tool enables hoteliers to generate a higher number of quality reviews, which can boost a property’s review score on TripAdvisor. With the interface, hotel guests automatically receive a customised email after checking out, encouraging them to send feedback to the hotel as well as posting a review directly to TripAdvisor.


The hotel will also receive valuable feedback to help them make the necessary operational improvements and provide the best possible guest experience.

With the average response rate from GuestRevu emails being 24%, the interface is already delivering impressive results amongst Guestline customers.

The Coaching Inn Group saw a 300% increase in the number of reviews collected in just 3 months of using the GuestRevu solution.

“While the explosive growth of online reviews continues to transform the market, hoteliers need technologies to help them stay competitive. GuestRevu’s interface with Guestline provides just the tool needed to leverage this – an automated solution to help hoteliers leverage their guest reviews (both direct and online) and recapture commissions lost to online travel agents.”
Kevin Charity, CEO Coaching Inn Group.

“We are delighted to have the opportunity to work with Guestline. Our partnership will give Guestline clients access to world-class guest feedback technology, which will assist them in making more informed operational decisions and help them to effectively manage their online reputations.”
Francine Heywood, Director of Sales and Marketing GuestRevu

Rupert Gutteridge, Sales and Marketing Director at Guestline concludes “We are committed to offering our customers a wide range of tools, services and interfaces that can assist with the successful day to day management of hotels, hostels, management companies, pubs, serviced apartments and student accommodation. GuestRevu has delivered proven results across a range of our users and we are therefore very happy to collaborate with them and help provide these services to customers..”

For more information on this interface with Guestrevu please click here or email


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